Tuesday, February 14, 2012


That is simply what I’m feeling at the moment. I think that sometimes I feel like I want to try it all. I get myself all crazed out trying to do too many things at one time, when I forget that I have more than just this photography business to get up and going. So I create myself a huge mess of madness. I have the contest going on and I’m trying to put together a Valentine’s Day Mini Session and still go to school, take care of myself {while pregnant}, and my family too. I don’t know why I do this sometimes but I do. I simply want to capture moments for families and I don’t want to put it on the back burner anymore. My husband is supporting me 100% which is great, but I have to remember to slow it down.

I cannot create all this madness for myself because it will only slow me down in the end. I don’t feel that I’m going to do the Valentine’s Day Mini simply because I have not been feeling well and I’ve not gotten many interest on it, so we will see how that goes. But the Cutie Pie contest ends soon and that will keep me busy enough!

My lesson learned through my own recent crazy actions: don’t over-do it and don’t expect to make it all happen at once. I simply can’t make it all happen so fast and it’s going to take time…time…time..time!!! My advice to those who might try and make it happen fast and get disappointed when things are slow? Give it time..it will get better!

Well, that’s all for now.
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 10, 2012

{I’m getting there}

So I decide to try and drag in business by doing a “cutie pie” contest for my area. The last one I tried {last year} was a complete failure because no one entered but two people and it got me nowhere. However, this time it’s already going a little better. I’ve learned that if I offer better prizes it helps. Last time I offered a small mini session with no extras and that is mostly why it went nowhere. This time I offered much more and advertised it like crazy. And although I have only 6 entries it’s an on-going contest and it’s getting people to see me & my work on Facebook and that is bringing in business. The kids are adorable and the families are tagging my page all over the place! Even though I may never photograph many of the people that will be added to my page I feel that it’s still great for business because it gets my work seen! It’s a great tool for spreading your business and getting noticed. I feel like I’m getting somewhere with this whole thing and that I’m not just staying at one pace anymore. Every morning when I wake up I have at least 5-10 more fans and though that may seem like a small number, for me its DAILY progress.

I feel that is the only way to get your photography out there is to bring in new daily fans. For every new fan you get just think about all the people that you are being seen by on their page. That is huge and you never know when it might bring your business, business. This contest has brought me new local fans as well and that means more chances to make profits and capture memories and that excites me. And maybe the next one will be bigger and the next after that even bigger! But I won’t stop and I’ll only keep trying to do better and that means I’m getting somewhere.

So the contest is still running and so far it’s going great! I don’t have tons of entries but that’s not what its all about. To me once this is over and these families see what great photos I bring in for their babies, they will likely want me to photograph them again in the near future and that mean great business. So we will see just how it ends and what can I learn from it all! 
Thanks for stopping by! Please check out the Cutie Pie Contest and vote for your favorite! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

{Do I have what it takes?}

This is not to doubt myself. Because that I do not! However, it is to see into my dedication and motivation and love of what I do a little better. I feel it’s a good idea to every now and then take a step back and look at yourself {or your business} and see how things are going. So here it is..my view on if I have what it takes and what I feel it takes to do what I do. 

“the photographer’s primary purpose is to display their own unique perspective” {author unknown}

I found this quote and it stuck out to me. I think it’s a true statement. Isn’t that what we’re doing? I know it’s what I want to do.  When I first started out I wanted to offer something that no one else does. But what is that? I can’t really tell you because everyone offers something wonderful, so instead I changed my way of thinking and decided that I want to offer a unique and unforgettable experience {along with images} for my clients. Do I have what it takes to achieve that? I’m not 100% there yet but I’m getting closer. I’m learning all that I can, shooting every moment I get a chance too, challenging myself, and never stopping! 

However, I do feel that I am staying true to myself and that I have a true talent behind the camera. I always do my best when on a session and always give my clients the very best images that I can. I see things in a different view when I have my Nikon in my hand and is see it from so many different angles. I never simply settle for OK images. I always push for the best that I can capture. It’s important that they {the client} love them yes, but its’ important that I love them too. Does that mean I have what it takes? 

Passion~any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.

Passion is unbridled enthusiasm one person has for something or someone they love. It is and has its own energy~~ an energy that can be transferred and observed into that something or someone that you love. 

Most people run from passion; not knowing what to do about such a deep feeling. I feel this for my photography; passion~ an unbridled enthusiasm. We all have it inside us; passion. But it’s up to you if you act upon it and follow it. I know I am following it til I am no longer able. I will not let myself or something or someone get me down and pull me away from my passion. I would be out on a photo shoot every day if I could. If I had it my way I’d be half with my family and half on a session. They are the 2 things in life that make me..me! 

I still have a lot to learning technically; such as better ways to use my camera, studio photography, Photoshop, and probably more. But does this mean I’m not good? Nope! I’m a great photographer. I’m not the best oh there are so many photographers that I admire and aspire to be like! I will share them with you soon! :)

But I know I have the willingness to learn and grow and be taught for that matter. But along the way I hope that my passion, love, talent, and unique and creative eye shows through my images. I hope that I can continue to bring all these things out in every single image that I capture. 

I have to be able to put in crazy hours, tons of thought, a good bit of money, sacrifices, patience, and more. This I am aware of and I plan on doing all that I can as fast as I can to get where I want to be. Where is that? 


To be an established, sought after, admired, inspiring, creative, & passionate photographer. 

I feel that I have the last two already knocked out so I just have a few more to go! 
And I will get there! 

So with all that being said do I have what it takes? YES~! 

I do and I know that if I continue on the path I’m on I will get to where I want to be like the many photographers I aspire to be like. {Again, I can’t wait to share them with you} 

So do you have what it takes? Please tell me about your thoughts!

Do you know a photographer that is all these things and more? Please email me or simply tell me who it is and why you feel about them the way you do? I’d love to add them to my list of inspiring and admiring photographers. 

You can always email me @ candace@4evertymelessphotography.com with any questions or comments! I’d love to hear them. 
Thanks so much for stopping by! 

Thanks so much for stopping by! And I leave you with an image that is filled with love, passion, and spunk!!